Thursday, September 25, 2014

Where Will WE Go From Here?!

Where Do We Go From Here?!

Season 3 Finale Recap... Prep for the Season 4 Premier Tonight

So I know that you all have re-watched the Season 3 Finale, and are well versed on what went down. Let's chat about a few MAJOR incidents that have been left unresolved...

-  Liv tells Mellie's secret. Now Fitz knows his Poppa was a rolling stone. This softened Fitz's heart toward Mellie (as it should have) and they share a tiny little tender moment. But then.... oh, but then....The First Family suffers devastating loss when their son is mysteriously killed. A sad day for the Grants, but could this have been the resurgence of love for Fitz & Mellie? #BiggieGiveMeOneMoreChance

- Liv decided to leave OPA, leaving Abbey, Huck and Harrison as orphans. But then Harrison dies trying to stomp with the big dogs step to Daddy Pope. So, now what? It's just Abbey and Huck left roaming the hallways of the OPA gladiator headquarters. #SeeYouAtTheCrossroadsHarrison

- David Rosen, beaming like a kid on Christmas morning, receives all of the B6-13 files with a note that says, "Go Get the Bad Guys"... courtesy of Jake the Snake when he prepares to run away with Olivia. I Just hope Rosen doesn't get carried away with all this new info. #SnitchesGetStitches

- Quinn shows Huck that his FAMILY is still alive and well. Quinn tells Huck she loves him, but in response Huck pushes her dead in the chest and basically says, "i hate you, eeeew cooties!" Later, we see Huck knock on his wife's door, and offer all he could probobly muster up on the moment... a shy, yet guilt ridden "Hi". She's in shock, but we don't see any further reaction there. She's prally thinking.... #LoveShouldaBroughtYouHome

- Daddy Pope admits to Harrison (who figured it out and shoulda kept his mouth shut or he'd still be alive) that he arranged to have Little Jerry killed. He then proceeds to let the President think Momma Pope did it, and Fitz wants her head on a stick. Daddy Pope delivers the wonderful news to the president that Maya Pope is dead.... as it is revealed to us that she's actually in the hole! Hey, Daddy Pope is Command again ya'll... and he's coming with it! #OriginalGangsta

- Liv lets Jake go with her. Why, iono, but she did. In Fitz's inevitable breakdown, he has Mellie call Liv so she can coach him through his Presidential win speech, but she ignores his call as her private plane lifts her off into the doubtful skies of who-knows-where. Where'd she go? Why did she decide to let Jake go along? How will Fitz get through a second term without her? #LongLiveOlitz

What do you guys think will happen here? What was your favorite (or least favorite) story line of the finale? Let's chat!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Ninjas & Gangstas

Momma Pope vs. Daddy Pope

Soooooooo.... let's do a quick sweeping recap this relationship:

1.) For all we know, Liv only has a daddy.
2.) Then we find out Liv's daddy got her momma on lock down in the deep waters of Timbucktoo.
3.) Momma Pope proves she's a ninja when she escapes the little cell & murks the officer.
4.) Momma Pope convinces Liv her dad is evil. Liv helps her escape on her boyfriend's plane.
5.) Daddy Pope tries to tell Liv her momma isn't wrapped that tight. Liv curses him to the cornfields.
6.) Momma Pope kills the escape driver of the plane. They find the plane and the dead guy. No Mom.
7.) We learn Momma Pope is SWIRLING honey! Yes. She has a boo that is in on all her triflin behavior, and who keeps her engine tuned up so she can do her good work. #MilkInHerCoffee #LikeMotherLikeDaughter
8.) Momma Pope lets Daddy Pope MURK her boyfriend. This was a moment of straight cold-blooded killing. His heart was involved. In this moment we become aware that Daddy Pope has been in his feelings over this man having violated his marriage so many years ago - and behind the toughness, there lies a little boy who has been holding back his tears all these years.
9.) Momma Pope gets her revenge and straight shanks Daddy Pope - in their daughters office... and LEAVES HIM FOR DEAD for her "sweet baby" - Olivia - to find. Where they do that at?!
10.) Liv finds him, and freaking out, rushes him to the hospital - clearly conflicted because both of her parents are straight gang warriors.
11.) DADDY POPE LIVES. He was down, but not out!
12.) Daddy Pope steal back Command. His reign of power continues...
13.) Momma Pope is in the hole; Fitz thinks she's dead.

So where does this leave us for Season 4? When we left this dubious bunch, the President believed Maya Pope to be dead. Fitz is under the assumption that Maya Pope is the cause of his son's untimely death, and he wanted her dead ON THE SPOT. Now that Daddy Pope is back in his command seat, he needs to show himself cooperative - hence the lie that his ex boo is now RIP. 

I wonder how long it will take for anyone to discover that she's under there... or how long it will take her to kung-fu her way out of that hole.

What do ya'll think? Where could this one go???

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Huckleberry Quinn... A Poison Kinda Berry!

Somebody Make it STOP!

Huck & Quinn have by far won the "TV JumpOff to Gross Adri Out the Worst" award. I simply just cannot deal with them, and it seemed to get worse and worse every time they got it on! But why does it freak me out so badly?  Let's explore this, shall we?

1.) I wasn't ready!

Point black period. I didn't know this was about to happen, and I didn't have a chance to finish chewing before I was caught off guard by that first incident. Then, week after week, in Quinn's trashy attempt to disguise her lust for Huck with tampering with his emotions, all of that extra open face kissing started to churn my stomach. But THEN, these two decided that wasn't enough and FULL ON got it on - ON TOP OF A CAR IN A PARKING GARAGE! Why must I be subjected to this treatment that late in the evening?  I can't deal with it. It keeps happening ALL OF A SUDDEN! Can't we get a slow fade-in to those scenes so I know it's about to happen? All of those quick cuts and transitions are liable to scar me for life!

2.) It's so desperate.

Alluding to one of the points I made above, they played hard to get so long and so hard that when simultaneous combustion occurred, it turned into a frantic, despairing moment every single time. Now granted, Huck has abstained quite a while having been taken from his wife (and kids), and sure, he had his girlfriend Becky from rehab.... but that didn't last long, given she framed him for trying to kill Fitz. After Huck kicked her out of OPA and revoked her Gladiator tights, we all knew Quinn was hurt. And while she did have Charlie, we all know Quinn has been crushing on Huck for a while, so her giving in isn't shocking - just disturbing.

3.) They're so barbaric... I mean really!

 Do they have to lick each other SO much? And honestly, I think this is the one that just won't give my gag reflexes a break. It's just straight nasty. So rough, so sloppy, so.... private.  These two went from one end of the spectrum to the other with this, and each time it seems rougher and sloppier; with more licking. LOL I just can't. For example, they have an OUTRIGHT bang-out in the OPA office that went a little something like this.... "Hey Bae, never mind Daddy Pope's puddle of blood, we'll just hop this table and handle our biz." Thank goodness for Abby's interruption or else we would have been completely violated! Huck is already a twisted mind that gets off on textures, temperatures, and the not-so-normal, so it doesn't take much for him to melt into a puddle of awkwardness in these situations.

Listen, I'm down for everybody's happiness, but my gosh! Shondaland, I wanna get off this ride! I really hope that season 4 pretends like season 3 never let this happen; the world will be a much better place that way!

What are your thoughts on where these two will stand in season 4?

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Olivia Pope can't do anything right..." - Mellie

Loose Lips Sink Ships

So, gladiators, let's rewind back to April 17, 2014. This episode was jam-packed with drama, action, plot-twists and anxiety! There is one story-line that I want to focus on, though.... so let's go there. 

Picture this. The Oval Office. President Fitzgerald Grant is feeling defeated after losing the post-funeral-bomb-speech to Sally. He sits in his office, writing his concession speech and dreaming of life-after the White House, living in Vermont, as a small town mayor, and his beloved Olivia as his wife... making jam with custom labels for him to hand out at all of his mayoral engagements. He's sitting alone in the silence of his thoughts, allowing his vivid imagination to run free as the scene plays out in his mind. Picture it. Welp, then Olivia walks in and chooses to tell Fitz that Mellie was raped by his big-ole brut daddy. *Moment of Silence.* What?! I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about this moment. Mostly, I was like "Hello Liv.... noooooooooo!", but then on the other hand, I wasn't completely mad at her for it. I guess I could see why she wanted him to be aware of such an earth-shattering piece of news, but was that really her place?! Would you have wanted to know that from her if you were Fitz?

So of course, Fitz struggles with this revelation, but after some time, he grapples with the reality of its truth. His heart weighs down his swag-daddy presidential walk as he heavily goes to Mellie. Eventually, she reads his disturbed stare and realizes that the cat has been let out of the bag. He knows. "Olivia Pope can't do anything right," she thinks aloud. Frustrated and embarrassed, I am sure her thug life kicked in for a moment, as she instantly began to think of ways she could beat Liv's cute-coat-wearing tail once she got a chance! Then Fitz, in all sincerity turns his heart toward Mellie in what turns into a precious, authentically tender moment... as all #TeamOlitz citizens of America screech in heartbreaking agony!

Then, to top it off, their son DIES! WHAT?! What a rough season for the Grant household. They went through the kids almost embarrassing the family on national television, their daughter catching their mother in adultery, the knowledge of an incest rape, and now... their child is dead. Tragedy has been known to bring couples together.... and well, they've had more than their fair share of it!

Bottom Line... 

1. Do you think Liv was wrong for sharing that info with Fitz?
2. What do you think has become of Fitz & Mellie's relationship?

Could this be the rebirth of the romance between the embittered, estranged First Couple?


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So Long, Farewell..... Goodbye Harrison!

Columbus Short's Scandalous Departure

What About Harrison???

We all can recall the moment we found out Columbus Short was fired from the Scandal cast, right?

My personal sentiment, and actually, my immediate reaction to hearing this news was "Good. I don't blame them for firing him!" Let's face it, our beloved "Harrison" was out of control both on the show and in real life. He was a liability - one that was frankly not worth fighting for. I had several people gasp at my sentiments, and I was okay with that. At the end of the day ABC and Shondaland had to make the best decision for the show - not just for the lustful fans who would be disappointed that they wouldn't be able to look at Harrison's pretty face and well-tailored suits for 42 minutes every Thursday night anymore.

But then I saw that Columbus Short actually agreed with the decision that was made. Huffington Post shared Short's thoughts on the subject in their July 8th article in which he articulates, "I think, at a certain point, when you’re [hearing] a barrage of stories after stories, ABC justifiably would want to distance themselves,” he told Access Hollywood. “They did the right thing.” He knew he was out of control, and wasn't bitter about being let go. He went on to praise ABC, Shonda Rhimes, and the entire cast and crew of his beloved show for not dogging him out. “They did not throw me to the curb like trash -- that’s my family,” he shared.

The question still remains, where will Scandal go from here? Shonda Rhimes has already said she won't be recasting him, but let's just dream a little - after all, she said that months ago, maybe she changed her mind and didn't tell us! There are many directions this can go; here are a few options:

1. They'll replace Harrison with another actor and hope we don't notice. 

2. They'll commit to the ambiguous season ending and kill him off at the hands of Daddy Pope. If you recall, this scene ended with a blackout & a "boom-pow-bang", which alluded to Harrison's untimely demise. 

3. They'll kill him, but say he ran away, and hire a new hottie to the Gladiator stand in his stead. 

The possibilities are many, and these are just a few. The writers room has all the power, and what we KNOW... is that they've ALREADY decided where this is going. What are your thoughts on which direction they opted for?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

No Sun on the Horizon - Episode 13

The Great Debators

Sally Langston's Quotes of the Season

HIGHLIGHTS | FAVORITE MOMENTS (full of great quotes)

1. "Yum yum crispy pig!" -Sally Langston #thebestlineever #SheWasOnOne
2. "Mur-der-ers" -- Cyrus Bean to Jake #ScaryTruthTho
3. "Olivia Pope, the devil at my doorstep..." Sally Langston #YesSheWentThere
4. "Without Him, without the sign of His love I am worse than dead" #SheCrazyButShePreachingRightThere #ComeOnChristians
5. I've never seen Cyrus soooo rattled before! It was a great character arc. And man, Cyrus's apology to James was deep. I felt that thang. #TheOscarGoesTo


1.) So Jake is a killer now. Shocking. I'ma be honest, I didn't see that one coming, but I definitely was NOT surprised. If I know Shonda'nem at all, there is an actual reason for what he did that we won't find out til next week, BUT HE A KILLER. He straight murked two girls, and either Cyrus or Abby's boo thang. No matter WHY, the point is THAT he did it. #badJake

2.) Jake's ego is way bigger than he can manage. First he tried to get cute with Cy and something like "I'd tell you how the world works but you wouldn't understand." Boy BYE! Cute, but no. Sir please... You're not that guy. #HeTriedIt And if he says one more time, "With all my knowledge and all the secrets I have..." #AsMartinDoesToTommy YOU AIN'T GOT NO SECRETS MAN! Ok, so he might have a few, but he act like he got them Daddy Pope, and we ain't never heard Daddy Pope reminding nobody he got knowledge. He's in over his head, and he's either using this new role to finally have the power to be the sneaky snake he is, or his ego is going to cause him to make some terrible mistakes.

3.) All Jake is EVER concerned about is Liv's devotion to Fitz. Even last night, Jake gets in his feelings cuz Liv isn't deserting the Fitz campaign. "You're choosing his side". Ugh!! ENOUGH ALREADY! SIR, you just asked me to run away with you. And then THAT FAST, you got your rent-a-Quinn breaking into my office stealing stuff? I ain't never trusted Jake, and I still don't! His heart toward Liv is cute, but even THAT has always been untrustworthy. It is possible that Jake is doing what he did FOR Liv... ((i'll explain in my next post)). BUT STILL... his one-sided competition with Fitz for Liv is ridiculous. #ManUpJake #ThisIsNotHighSchool #YouWillLose

WHO GOT SHOT and WHY? MY THEORIES. New post coming soon..... #StayTuned

For the record.... #badJake

#ScandalRecap #WhoGotShot #DaddyPopeOnTheLangstonTeamTho #SomebodyGonNeedTheSmellingSaltsNextWeek #SallyNeedJesus #AintNuthinButAGangstaParty

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Episode 14

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye


1. Ok, before I get into the deep stuff, I have to bring up the absolute (and perhaps only) funniest moment in that episode: The White House Assistant who brought Cyrus some water in the beginning, and burst into tears when he opened the door. THAT WAS HILARIOUS to me! If you didn't pay that any attention... GO BACK AND WATCH! #DoesThisMakeMeAJerk #TaWellItWasFunny

2. Jake, the 'Straight Faced Killer'. Ok, so mystery solved. He murked poor James and is now yanking poor David Rosen by the rope he's so loosely tied around is throat. He did it cuz Command has to make difficult decisions for the Republic, even though it sucks. Oh, ok cool. But here's my commentary on this fool: a) I really wish he'd stop reminding everybody he's command... we know Jake, you're command. #ProveIt; b) I said it last week and i'ma say it again: his ego has gotta WAY out of hand. Deciding to 'swag out' a lil but cuz u got the title is one thing, but he on some other stuff. He need not try to lay up with Liv no more... not if you're gonna take that tone mister! c) His whole rationale of "I'm not like your dad cuz at least I did my horrible thing myself instead of making someone else do it" is a bucket DOODOO WATER! You's a killa boo, admit it! And please don't come with "at least he stayed with James til he died." That means nothing to me. Sorry. #BadThingsHappen.... you betta believe it sucka! #DaddyPopeISComing

3. Huck and Quinn. a) #puke; b) she SPAT on that man... and NO it doesn't EVEN compare to getting her face licked, so do not come here with that foolishness; c) I wonder what this means moving forward for Huck's gangsta, and for Quinn's confidence. With Huck getting all in his feelings, it will do one of two things: 1) give her an ego boost that she can now "get over" on Huck and start throwing more mud, or 2) she's going to grow soft and 'confused' and want to get back in. I was pissed at Huck in that scene. That commercial couldn't have come fast enough for me!

4. Liv Momma the biggest gangsta I done ever seen. She murked that fool like she was using a water gun.... didn't even blink! Harrison's boo is all over the place. I don't know what her angle is here, but I have a feeling that once Shonda'nem break this story open a bit more it's going to ugly. #NevaTrustABigButtAndASmile #ThemGirlsArePoison

5. Daddy Pope and Liv had a GREAT moment! I loved seeing them that way. And then, of course, he reads her like a grocery aisle magazine, drops the mic and walks off like the truest OG he is. I must say, I felt for Liv in that moment. I shared her tears. Her world is crazy, and I cannot even begin to fathom what she feels like.

6. Cyrus. Cyrus. Cyrus. Lawd they done broke Cy all the way down. From the flashback/memory sequences all the way through to the end my heart just bled for his pain. Cy a monster, but at least he honest about it. I like Cy, and to see him THAT broken in the final scene was gut wrenching for me. Very tender moment of friendship for he and Fitz as well. I say again, somebody pass that man an Oscar! #TheMonsterReturnsNextWeek

7. Mellie, Mellie you loose goose. Mellie finally gave in and gave it up! That changes everything, and ole boy prally gon get lost in the lust of his love, and return, thirsty for a sip of his love juice! Mellie, being the spiteful thug SHE is, could quite possibly use this in the most hurtful way against Fitz at just the WRONG time, and the walls she come tumbling down. This is becoming one of my favorite story lines.... #TheTablesHaveTurned

This is - by far - one of the BEST episodes in Scandal history! The writing on this episode is IMPECCABLE! We saw every single character in this episode... think about it. Every single one. And we got a taste of every single story. In one hour. And it made sense. #BravoWritersRoom #GoldenGlobe2015

Missing... James Novak-Beene.... A Week Later!

A People [Still] In Mourning

#Gladiators...... So, before we move on tonight into the utter dysfunction of the First Family, and into what clearly appears to be some angry Cyrus monster moment (based on last weeks previews for tonight) ... I just have to pay my final respects to James Novak, White House Press Secretary. *moment of silence* 


 My favorite housewife on prime time television, Scandal just won't be the same without him. Hopefully we get a few more flashbacks to remind us of the joy that was James... whining, pouting, tantrums and all. We will miss you James!

Feel free to leave your favorite James Novak moments, or share your first memories of him. *sigh* #PourOneOutInLovingMemory


"Momma Said Knock You Out", Episode 15

What's Love Got to do With It?!

1. This Huck/Quinn thing is grossing me completely out. Why are they so barbarianish? All of the licking and hard breathing is wearing out my gag-reflexes. They are clearly into each other, or else this wouldn't even be happening. And I can appreciate Quinn trying to hold her compsure and give off the "I'm not into you", but she is... that's why she's lying to Charlie. I am very interested to see what will become of this storyline. And speaking of Charlie, did that dude REALLY move himself in without consultation or permission?! ha! This should be interesting. #HuckLosingHimself

2. So Harrison got himself too lost in the love juices and he done got himself stung... literally! This storyline is starting to annoy me; too much of a teaser in the beginning for what we're getting out of it now. I'm losing interest in this one. Harrison is a sucker for that woman... as are most dudes who've 'smelled what the rock is cooking'! #ShesAModernDayJezebel 

3a. So Fitz gained gangsta points with me for that "Drea" punch he gave "Uncle Andrew". I told ya'll my sentiments were that the double standard would prove true, and he'd be HOT! I think he was more upset at who it was, in addition to it being HIS wife. And after he gave his speech to Mellie and reminded her that she said she was "no longer a sexual being", his anger made more sense. Still bogus... he did it too, but it DID make more sense given their history. What I was mad at was that Mellie wouldn't speak up once Fitz was yelling at her. Now, LET'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT, FITZ DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. HIS ARGUEMENT IS VALID. It doesn't look, to him, like Mellie had to give up a thing, and so her saying she's made a bunch of sacrifices SHOULD sound bogus to him. She had the open door to scream back if she wanted to and lay it on the table. I can understand several reasons she woudn't want to, but she's now going to be the bigger villan in his eyes and in their children's eyes. Tough sitch.

3b. So their children are a straight trip. I love that boy tho.... ha, Fitz son had t-shirts made in support of the opposition! hahahahahhahaaaaaa, what a jerk! And he was ready to wear it for the interview! ha, who are these kids?! And I am super proud of Liv following her instincts and researching the son, or else that woulda been ALL bad. The daughter.... well hey, I can't even say I blame her. All of her anger seems to stem from the knowledge of her parents' issues. Typical PTSD from being in a family like that. Except for the slap worthy shouting she did at her momma, I can understand her plight. She's embarrassed, angry, and confused. Dysfunctional, hypocritical, and all... I was proud of how Fitz manned up and settled that moment with his entire family too, cuz we know he can be a brat sometimes. He didn't keep badgering his wife, and he sat down with his kids, for once. Kudos for that moment of leadership Mr. President! Man, that whole thing was just an all around awkward situation! #MellieGotTrappedInTheClosetStyleBUSTED

4. Jake. I cannot stand him. I bet Fitz feels played... he helped that joker slither into his position, now he's stuck seeing the real Jake for who he is. Not only is Jake bitter from a bunch of past military stuff he still doesn't understand, but the fact that Fitz is still beating him in the race for Liv's loyalty is really making him a jerk. He's such a child... and he's still reminding everyone he's command, as if nobody knows that. As I said before, he needs to JUST BE COMMAND ALREADY, GOODNESS! #HeOnStalkerModeNextWeekTho #HideYoKidsHideYoWife

5. Liv. Olivia Pope. She isn't the same Liv she's always been.... and I find her more and more annoying everyday. Between Fitz vs. Jake, all the killing, her ninja momma's return, and her Daddy's weekly reads... she has gotten very weak. It took one comment from her mother telling her she was "the help" for her to fall to pieces. You've ALWAYS been the "help" Liv, and there was a time when you KNEW it. That whole tantrum she was throwing was annoying. HOWEVER, we did get some of the old Liv this episode. She was in charge; commanding. The way she handled that whole Fitz/Mellie/Andrew thing was nostalgic for me. The closer. The handler. The fixer. I was glad Cyrus reminded her of who she really is, and got her into action. I need her to do more of that! #FitzStayHolleringTho #WatchYoSelfSucka

P.S. I loved Cyrus trying to get at Jake; po thang couldn't hardly breathe! That is all. #HeTriedIt

#ScandalRecaps #GladiatorNation

"The Fluffer", Episode 16

We All Have to do Things We Don't Want to Do.... Right?!

1) Momma pope vs. Daddy Pope = the Ninja vs. The Gangsta
That scene was pretty darn amazing. Momma Pope is a force to be reckoned with, but let's not forget... so is her old flame! Eli Pope wasn't command for so long for nothing. Momma Pope has forgotten since she's been out of her little cell that Daddy Pope's thumb is heavy! And poor Liv... did ya'll see her face during the almost knife fight??? How must it feel to be the daughter of those two?! Lol 

2)Another round of applause of for the brief, yet incredible revival of Eli Pope’s daughter. Man, that girl gave "Uncle Andrew" a reading better than I’ve seen her give all season! She gave it to Andrew in a way that would have made her Daddy shed a tear! Agree with her or not, THAT is the Liv I know and love. THAT is the Liv that gets stuff done. THAT is the Liv that people fear. THAT IS LIV!!! Now if we can get her to keep it up and stop pretending like she didn't know she's a side chick, the help, and whatever else, we'll be in it to win it! On another note, Andrew tickles me because he really thought that "love" was all that mattered. His ole Toni Braxton singing sensitivities just weren’t ready for Mellie to hit it and quit it like that. #HeThoughtLoveShouldaBroughtYouHome

3) Mellie vs. Fitz . Ha! Ok, so I told ya’ll a few posts ago that this was becoming one of my favorite storylines right? I knew there was a lot of juice in this one. So let me just stop and say this right here… MELLIE IS NOT A VICTIM - ANY LONGER. Mellie is not a victim. Fitz isn't the only one cheating; she has become everything she told Liv she wasn't. How does she go from ignoring Andrew with her "oh, please just stop calling me. Don’t touch me… Look at me… Breathe in my direction." Then go to whispering (in the MIDDLE OF THE WHITE HOUSE HALLWAY) all “hoochiefied” hints that Andrew can get it if he wants it. Really Mellie?! And then because Andrew has made a choice, a choice Mellie would have also made in same position, you go and throw a TANTRUM. Not only a tantrum, but you throw it IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY, as if that ain't gon get out. You're mad because you think Fitz took your boyfriend away??? Giiiiiiiiiiirl BYE! That is ridiculous. Yes, Fitz has been cheating on Mellie. Now we can all agree to disagree, but that does not negate Mellie’s actions. And, in fact, she DID choose power over love when she – a woman scorned by her cheater husband - STILL invited Liv BACK into their lives to run the Grant campaign. Why? She wants to win, that’s why! Mellie isn't a victim. She degrades herself in the name of power just like the next person. BE HONEST ABOUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE MADAME before you go around smacking people. #SheStillAStraightThugTho

4) Them vs. Olivia Pope. So this was fun for me. I felt the warm and fuzzies when Abbey gave Liv her rendition of… Liv. To hear her give Liv a standard “Liv speech” was a nod to the good ole days, and a MUCH NEEDED reality check for her fearless leader. As I stated last week, she is operating in waaay too much emotion for me, and it is NOT what I enjoy or am used to seeing her look like. Secondly, to see Huck stand up to Olivia and make her taste her own medicine of “we all have to do stuff we don’t want to do” was definitely a sight to behold. Huck is undeniably the most loyal person Olivia Pope has ever known. However, in this moment, he didn’t back down from it just because it was her. And I’m going to be honest, I FELT LIV’S PAIN! I didn’t want her to go back and put it down on Jake like that, but a gladiator’s got to do what a gladiator’s got to do. It sucks that the means to an end, is an end to a means in situations like this, but it certainly makes for great Thursday night primetime doesn’t it? #JakeThinkLivLoveHim

5) This may be the only time hand-to-throat contact is acceptable. AND this may be the only time I side with........... #badJake. *waiting for it* *eye roll* Anyway, Liv's intentions were good… quite precious, in fact. But girl what in tarnation are you doing?! You ought to know by now that this stuff is ALWAYS deeper than what it seems, and B6-13 isn’t just your average cheating preacher or perverted politician… it’s B6-13!!! She definitely was operating in the spirit of goodwill toward men. Take out this mean clique of bullies and everyone is happy now. But her naivety is where I draw my frustrations from. Huck told her to stop. Her Daddy told her to stop. Her Momma told her to stop. Without seeking to understand the implications of what would happen, she assumes those implications - and now Momma Pope is about to blast everybody into the Twilight Zone!

#ScandalRecaps #MommaPopeOnTheLoose

Monday, March 10, 2014



"We Do Not Touch the First Ladies"

1. Ooooooh, I see. Jake done got the 'big-head'! Sooooo, I have tons of fellow gladiators who love and adore Jake, so lemme just share something with you... ‪#‎badJake‬. Jake is a joke. He wanna be command, and then be all hella overwhelmed when he gets the secret package with all the instructions and stuff. He wanna act all mad with Liv, but it ain't like he tryina back out and not help her no more. Stop fronting Jake, please. If he was really THAT mad at Liv for using him he wouldn't be playing along. He likes being her pretend boyfriend. He wants to be with Liv, and he'll do whatever he needs to do. There's plenty of characters worse than him, but I don't trust Jake's motives. He can pretend like he's "standing by his President" if he wants to, but I don't think it'll take much for him to flip flop. And all that walking up in my house acting like you done lost your mind liable to get you snatched homie. ‪#‎HeTriedIt‬ ‪#‎YouMadOrNah‬ #badJake

2. Quinn done turned into a real life thug? Hahahaha, oh ok so you gon shoot me now? Let me clarify my frustration with that moment... it wasn't so much her threatening to shoot Liv as much as it was Quinn trying to act like Huck licked her face for no reason. QUINN, YOU'RE A TRAITOR BOO!!!! Like come on now, and be real for just a moment. He wouldn't have even had to do any of that if you woulda been doing what you were supposed to do. Now you wanna sit here and tell on me like I bullied you for no reason?! Girl bye! And if Huck ever finds out she pulled a gun on Liv, she gon come up missing! ‪#‎SnitchesGetStitches‬

3. James and David are playing with *cue Ohio players* "Fiiiiiiiiiyah!". They both need to slow down. When Rosen got kidnapped I had 2 minutes of bubble guts for his safety. Now, praise Jehovah God his boo thang was all over it, but it was too easy and coulda been disastrous! James was all "gully" at first, and now he right bout ready to pee on himself out of fear. This is going to get ugly quickly if they don't back down. ‪#‎amateursdiefirst‬

4. Momma Pope and Harrison's Jump off are a team. The moment itself made me *gasp*, but I'm not shocked. That's a really good tie in actually. I just have some questions... like, does Momma Pope KNOW that Harrison is in danger, or nah? Does the JumpOff know that Momma Pope is Liv's momma or nah? Like, I have lots of variations of answers to these questions. I'ma just let this one play out... I won't attempt to predict. What ya think tho?

5. Fitz dude is straight B6-13!!!! Awe Sucka MC, what us gon do??? *sigh* That was my biggest shocker of that episode. I felt personally betrayed by that mess. I had to clutch the pearls on that one, I felt so offended and vulnerable, LOL. This is a bigger game changer than I think we think it is. I am very anxious to see where Fitz is going to end up in all this! ‪#‎Backstabbers‬

6. (I like to stick to 5, but this deserves one more) Mellie and California are such a fun story plot! As much as he be acting like Mellie is a burden and she don't matter to him, Fitz gon be mad as hell when he find out. *cue DruHill... Somebody Sleepin In My Bed*. Ole boy is gonna work his way in, and Mellie gon be doing more than kissing. Did anybody else find her "OMG, I can't believe I did that" run out of the room hilarious?? lol. The painting of the former FLOTUS crew judgmentally glaring down was dope tho! ‪#‎WeDoNotTouchTheFirstLadies‬.... love that line!

LAST WORDS: 1) The soundtrack this episode was awesome. 2) Fitz and Liv need to learn how to argue more quietly so that the whole floor of the hotel can't hear; that mess is reckless. 3) Seeing Hollis Doyle back in the mix was epic! We already know when he's involved, there's nothing but scandal on the horizon.

‪#‎thispostistoolong‬ ‪#‎sorryyall‬ ‪#‎scandal‬

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quinn Perkins: Character Recap

character analysis

The Many Faces of Quinn : What's Her Story Now?

There's so many ways the writers room could take this story line, and honestly this is one I'm not even going to attempt to predict or guess cuz it's likely impossible. But to recap, the last time we saw Quinn.....

1. She was boo'd up with Charlie the killer. He was the only one showing her the attention she needed, so it appears as if she chose him... well, at least for now. ‪#‎goodluckwiththat‬ ‪#‎sillyrabbit‬

2. She was snack-time for Huck. ‪#‎HeLickedHerFaceYall‬ ‪#‎StillNotOverIt‬


3. She was kicked out of the "Gladiators Club" by Huck.So yeah Quinn, you already were in trouble, you don't get to play for the opposition, get caught by Huck, then dodge Huck, then come back like "ay tho, I'm back yo!" and expect folks to throw a parade. ‪#‎SheTriedIt‬ ‪#‎TurnInYourSuit‬


4. She was appearing to be stepping to the bad side when she went back to the hotel where Charlie was after Huck hurt her feelings. ‪#‎CuesLudacrisMyChickBad‬


5. She was ABOUT that thug life, taking sharp objects to her teeth. This was certainly a moment I had mad respect for Quinn. She had to do what she had to do and took it like a G! ‪#‎SheAintEvenShedATear‬

I don't know where her story line is going, but I sure can't wait to find out!


What are some of your most noteworthy "Quinn" moments?

Friday, February 14, 2014


If Loving You is Wrong... I Don't Wanna be Right!

President Fitzgerald Grant and former White House Advisor Olivia Pope.... the hottest love story ever told! I mean honestly, it's a huge obsession for me. But why??? Their relationship is morally wrong. This man is married. He is in great leadership (he's the leader of the Free World for crying out loud). Yet.... this forbidden love he's harboring is a love that lonely women across Gladiatorville long for. People are actually rooting for this. Crazy right?!

Let's take a look at this steamy romance to try to understand why so many are rooting for this to work!
Here's a look at just a few of my favorite "Olitz" moments!

Season 1 - "One minute? One minute."

This is one of the most tender moments Olitz has ever shared. No steamy hot sex or hard face kissing.... just one minute - 60 seconds - to hold each other one more time before they have to snap back to reality. They end their time together with Olivia, very properly saying "Goodbye Mr. President", reminding them both that they don't belong to each other, and the show must go on. *tear*

Season 1 - Hunting, changing her shoes to boots.

This was such an intimate moment; one that showed their closeness, friendship, and love. The inserts in this video to further enhance the moment are spot on (forgive me for the vulgarity... I didn't do it!). They have an unspoken language of lovers that so many wish they had.... and that's why so many women were swooning at the end of this eopisode! Watch for yourself....

Season 2 - "Sit with me and watch me choose you."

This is one of his most commanding monologues of any season - and he steals tons of hearts with this one! Check your boy out....

"You can't "fix" the fact that I love you; that I love you more than I love being President. I think that you believe that I will never choose you. So this time, I'm "fixing" things. We're going to sit here for the next 21 minutes. We're going to sit here and the clock on my marriage is going to run out; we're going to run it out together. You're going to watch me run out this clock. You're going to sit here with me and watch me choose you.... sit with me Liv and let's run out the clock. Sit with me and watch me choose you. Watch me earn you."

And then.... "You're All I Need" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell begins to play - officially sealing the deal that LOVE is all they need to get by. After which they take a steamy shower, and then Cyrus busts in on them playing house and reminds them of the drama that has exploded. After all, Mellie is a woman scorned is about to go on national television and declare war against her cheating husband.

Season 3 - "This house is yours...."

So this is the most recent of the Olitz love affair. Fitz summons Olivia and flies her to Vermont against her will. Mad, yet in love, Olivia gives the President a piece of her mind, and demands to know, "What is this place? Why am I here? Why the hell are we out here in the middle of nowhere?" Fitz, eyes full of love simply extinguishes the venomous flame spewing from Liv by informing her, " This house is yours - ours. I had it build for us." And I'm sure you can guess what happens next! When they finish and Liv has to rush off to get back to the real world she instructs Fitz, "don't sell the house", which insinuates she's still invested in "them".

What is your favorite "Olitz" moment?

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Who is Harrison Wright?"

character analysis

Harrison Wright:

 The Greatest 'Grumble-Mumbler' Who Ever Lived

OK, so we have another Gladiator that we rarely discuss - Harrison. Who is he? What do we know about him? Where is his storyline going? Let's take a look at Liv's other "ride or die" guy... the fast talking, monologue whispering, gladiator heartthrob - Harrison Wright.

Here's what we know about Mr. Harrison Wright so far....

1. He's a lawyer... and a fast talker!

So one thing we learned early is on is that Harrison is a skilled attorney. His slick-tongued fast talking comes in quite handy in a courtroom, as we witnessed him represent Quinn - or rather, Lindsey Dwyer-  in her murder trial and get her a not-guilty verdict! For all legal matters and loopholes, Harrison is the gladiator you want on your team. #SlickyRickyWhatTheyCallHim

2. He is fashionable.

This one is easy. I mean seriously... Harrison is one of the best dressed men on television right now. (stay tuned for my style analysis on Harrison in coming weeks!) Even in a scowl, Harrison remains to be fly!

3. He has a murky past.

His sticky past is why he is so devoted to Olivia. She bailed him out of a seemingly hopeless situation that, apparently, is worth his undying devotion for the rest of his life. We know he was in prison.Columbus Short says in a Season 3 interview, " “My back-story is coming. It’s coming like a yeti out of the woods!” he laughed. “It’s crazy!” "

4. He is in eminent danger.

Adnan Salif is baaaaaaaaack.... and he's looking for ya boy H-Dub! Seriously though, in episode episode 6, Icarus, we learn that someone has a personal vendetta for Mr. Harrison Wright, and it's got poor Harrison all shaken up. Harrison tells Huck that if this ghost of Harrison's past is able to get a visa, then he’s a dead man. Huck does some stealth illegal stuff, as usual, and deletes Salif’s visa application. The wheels turn again after a small lovers' quarrel between Harrison and Cyrus leaves Harrison in the dark about the fact that Cyrus green lit the via process for Adnan Salif again! I wonder where the writers' room is going to take this.

5. He would probably take a bullet for Liv.

Harrison is one of the most ride-or-die characters on television. While Liv certainly has Huck to take out the trash and clean it up, she's got Harrison who's like a hungry pit bull chained to the gate in the front yard. Harrison stays ready to go to battle for Olivia, and that "thug-life-ride-or-die" quality alone is why he's such a crowd favorite!

Do we like him? Do we hate him? Do we care?

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Coat Queen


Rip The Runway: The Killer Coat

So I don't know how many of my female co-gladiators out there have a thing for a good coat, but if you're one of them, this is for you!

One of my favorite moments on ANY episode of Scandal is the wide shot of Olivia Pope working the runway - whether it be a hallway, stepping off an elevator, or an actual airport runway. Kerry Washington has mastered the art of modeling every outfit that's placed in her "Olivia Pope" closet. Most of all, I absolutely adore her in the many pieces of fabulous outerwear that have graced our television screens.

Part of what makes Olivia Pope such a power player is her ability to work a coat. And it's not like we're talking flashy stuff either - neutrals, white, soft pastels and subtle patterns are her style, but they command every bit of respect that she expects when she walks into a room. With the sting of the chill upon us this chilly winter, let's highlight some of my favorite 'Liv-In-A-Coat' moments!

Season 2 | Episode 214 | Aired 02/14/2013
Fitz is almost a year later of finding out everyone he trusted fixed the election, and he's not speaking to any of them. This episode is when Fitz & Liv share the godparent duties of Cyrus & James' daughter's christening ceremony. Most notably, this is when poor David Rosen is framed and he awakens to a dead woman in his bed! Olivia Pope & Associates to the rescue!


Season 2 | Episode 202 | Aired 10/04/2012
Olivia and her team must do some heavy lifting—literally—to clean up the mess after a public figure is caught in a compromising position. Remember when Elise Neal guest appeared, and Liv gave her "the speech", from one "other woman" to another?

Season 1 | Episode 107 | Aired 05/17/2012
This is when Quinn finds Gideon struggling for his life, bloody with a pair of scissors in his neck. What ever will we do? Call Olivia Pope & Associates to come scrub the scene and make it look like nothing happened. After all, we can't have Quinn all tied up in some shenanigans, now can we? Ha!



Season 3 | Episode 302 | Aired 10/10/2013
This is when Daddy Pope shows up unannounced to the Gladiator Headquarters and basically tells Olivia that the world better think the President slept with that White House Assistant they framed, or she'll never see Jake again. Guess what? Jake pops up in the final seconds of the episode!

Season 3 | Episode 304 | Aired 10/24/2013
During a struggle to find clients, Pope & Associates agree to work with a philandering senator who has taken explicit photos of himself. His perv name is "Redwood Johnson", and he's accused of murdering a woman. While he's off perving away, Liv is off styling and profiling!


Season 2 | Episode 209 | Aired 12/13/2012

This is a week after President Fitzgerald Grant was shot! Huck is framed by his girlfriend Becky to be accused of shooting the President. Sally Langston is sitting the Oval Office being buttered up by Hollis Doyle while Liv and her Gladiators are trying to help save Huck!

You are the QUEEN of the Catwalk Miss Pope! Vogue honey!

What's your favorite Liv look?