Friday, February 14, 2014


If Loving You is Wrong... I Don't Wanna be Right!

President Fitzgerald Grant and former White House Advisor Olivia Pope.... the hottest love story ever told! I mean honestly, it's a huge obsession for me. But why??? Their relationship is morally wrong. This man is married. He is in great leadership (he's the leader of the Free World for crying out loud). Yet.... this forbidden love he's harboring is a love that lonely women across Gladiatorville long for. People are actually rooting for this. Crazy right?!

Let's take a look at this steamy romance to try to understand why so many are rooting for this to work!
Here's a look at just a few of my favorite "Olitz" moments!

Season 1 - "One minute? One minute."

This is one of the most tender moments Olitz has ever shared. No steamy hot sex or hard face kissing.... just one minute - 60 seconds - to hold each other one more time before they have to snap back to reality. They end their time together with Olivia, very properly saying "Goodbye Mr. President", reminding them both that they don't belong to each other, and the show must go on. *tear*

Season 1 - Hunting, changing her shoes to boots.

This was such an intimate moment; one that showed their closeness, friendship, and love. The inserts in this video to further enhance the moment are spot on (forgive me for the vulgarity... I didn't do it!). They have an unspoken language of lovers that so many wish they had.... and that's why so many women were swooning at the end of this eopisode! Watch for yourself....

Season 2 - "Sit with me and watch me choose you."

This is one of his most commanding monologues of any season - and he steals tons of hearts with this one! Check your boy out....

"You can't "fix" the fact that I love you; that I love you more than I love being President. I think that you believe that I will never choose you. So this time, I'm "fixing" things. We're going to sit here for the next 21 minutes. We're going to sit here and the clock on my marriage is going to run out; we're going to run it out together. You're going to watch me run out this clock. You're going to sit here with me and watch me choose you.... sit with me Liv and let's run out the clock. Sit with me and watch me choose you. Watch me earn you."

And then.... "You're All I Need" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell begins to play - officially sealing the deal that LOVE is all they need to get by. After which they take a steamy shower, and then Cyrus busts in on them playing house and reminds them of the drama that has exploded. After all, Mellie is a woman scorned is about to go on national television and declare war against her cheating husband.

Season 3 - "This house is yours...."

So this is the most recent of the Olitz love affair. Fitz summons Olivia and flies her to Vermont against her will. Mad, yet in love, Olivia gives the President a piece of her mind, and demands to know, "What is this place? Why am I here? Why the hell are we out here in the middle of nowhere?" Fitz, eyes full of love simply extinguishes the venomous flame spewing from Liv by informing her, " This house is yours - ours. I had it build for us." And I'm sure you can guess what happens next! When they finish and Liv has to rush off to get back to the real world she instructs Fitz, "don't sell the house", which insinuates she's still invested in "them".

What is your favorite "Olitz" moment?

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