Friday, January 10, 2014

The Coat Queen


Rip The Runway: The Killer Coat

So I don't know how many of my female co-gladiators out there have a thing for a good coat, but if you're one of them, this is for you!

One of my favorite moments on ANY episode of Scandal is the wide shot of Olivia Pope working the runway - whether it be a hallway, stepping off an elevator, or an actual airport runway. Kerry Washington has mastered the art of modeling every outfit that's placed in her "Olivia Pope" closet. Most of all, I absolutely adore her in the many pieces of fabulous outerwear that have graced our television screens.

Part of what makes Olivia Pope such a power player is her ability to work a coat. And it's not like we're talking flashy stuff either - neutrals, white, soft pastels and subtle patterns are her style, but they command every bit of respect that she expects when she walks into a room. With the sting of the chill upon us this chilly winter, let's highlight some of my favorite 'Liv-In-A-Coat' moments!

Season 2 | Episode 214 | Aired 02/14/2013
Fitz is almost a year later of finding out everyone he trusted fixed the election, and he's not speaking to any of them. This episode is when Fitz & Liv share the godparent duties of Cyrus & James' daughter's christening ceremony. Most notably, this is when poor David Rosen is framed and he awakens to a dead woman in his bed! Olivia Pope & Associates to the rescue!


Season 2 | Episode 202 | Aired 10/04/2012
Olivia and her team must do some heavy lifting—literally—to clean up the mess after a public figure is caught in a compromising position. Remember when Elise Neal guest appeared, and Liv gave her "the speech", from one "other woman" to another?

Season 1 | Episode 107 | Aired 05/17/2012
This is when Quinn finds Gideon struggling for his life, bloody with a pair of scissors in his neck. What ever will we do? Call Olivia Pope & Associates to come scrub the scene and make it look like nothing happened. After all, we can't have Quinn all tied up in some shenanigans, now can we? Ha!



Season 3 | Episode 302 | Aired 10/10/2013
This is when Daddy Pope shows up unannounced to the Gladiator Headquarters and basically tells Olivia that the world better think the President slept with that White House Assistant they framed, or she'll never see Jake again. Guess what? Jake pops up in the final seconds of the episode!

Season 3 | Episode 304 | Aired 10/24/2013
During a struggle to find clients, Pope & Associates agree to work with a philandering senator who has taken explicit photos of himself. His perv name is "Redwood Johnson", and he's accused of murdering a woman. While he's off perving away, Liv is off styling and profiling!


Season 2 | Episode 209 | Aired 12/13/2012

This is a week after President Fitzgerald Grant was shot! Huck is framed by his girlfriend Becky to be accused of shooting the President. Sally Langston is sitting the Oval Office being buttered up by Hollis Doyle while Liv and her Gladiators are trying to help save Huck!

You are the QUEEN of the Catwalk Miss Pope! Vogue honey!

What's your favorite Liv look?

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