Friday, January 3, 2014

Mellie Grant: America's First Lady (Part 1)

character analysis

The Total Package 

Five (5) Reasons We Can't Help But Love Mellie

Mellie is one of those characters you either love to hate or hate to love! She's charming, and seems to have everything it takes to be America's Favorite First Lady... right?
Well, here's 5 solid reasons why Mellie Grant is a crowd-pleaser.

1. She is Beautiful!

Now while it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one thing is for sure - we have never seen Mellie looking a mess! She is always prim and proper; hair laid, dress fitted, and pearls adorned. While she's no Michelle Obama, she certainly isn't a stuffy FLOTUS by any stretch.

2. She is Intelligent!

Mellie is well educated, savvy, and wiser than many give her credit for. When she's happy, she knows exactly how to enhance the quality of your life. She is definitely a woman suited for the White House, and she is not easily outsmarted... just ask Cyrus!

3. She is Funny!

I don't know about y'all, but Mellie is hilarious to me! She's such a jerk, but she's so funny, and let's face it - a good sense of humor goes a long way!

4. She is Resourceful!

Now come one y'all, if ain't nobody else resourceful... Mellie Grant is resourceful. She has pulled so many rabbits out of a hat you'd think she had a degree in Magiciantry (yes, I made this word up). She has certainly caught her husband, President Fitzgerald Grant, off guard with some of her antics. She knows more folks than she appears to, and she always knows just when to pull a punch!

5. She is Fearless!

Mellie Grant is a THUG, let's just put that out there. She is the best "set-claiming" Southern Belle I've ever come across (because I've come across so many in my day), and hate her or love her, her fearlessness is undeniably admirable! Every man ought to hope is wife is half the OG-Triple-OG Mellie is.... he just better make sure he's on her side. *wink*

What are some of your favorite "I love Mellie" outburst moments of #Scandal?

Stay tuned for the follow-up post "Five (5) Reasons We Despise Mellie".

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