Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Is Maya Pope???

character analysis

What Do We Know About Maya Pope?

So far, these are the things we know to be absolutely certain about Momma Pope....
or at least very plausible possibilities....

1. She is a stealth ninja!
What woman, who after being medically sedated from making snack time out of her wrists, can attack a fully grown male doctor, knock him out, steal his clothes and escape a prison in Timbucktoo? And who... can slip through her daughter's fingers on the President of the US of A's private plane, kill all his people... make it back to DC in time for a hair appointment and shopping trip all in 24 hours?
A ninja woman, that's who!

2. She does love her daughter.
The lengths that she has gone through to see Olivia, and keep in touch with Liv, prove her love - no matter how crazy we think she may be. The pure joy in her eyes when Liv's dad brought those pictures for her to see spoke of longing and adoration for the young woman she birthed, and I do believe that - all scandal aside (pun intended) - she does love her daughter.

3. She is a legit terrorist.
Liv's mom was a part of the whole bomb scandal (remember, she was on her way to London the morning she left 12 year old Olivia at the breakfast table). That's clear - we know she's the reason Remington is such a big deal; she's the reason Fitz had to shoot down that plane.

But then she got all these other names and stuff too!! In case you fell asleep or were chewing too loudly to hear Abby's rundown, here it is:

  • Margo Beauveai (Paris)
  • Hannah Stewart (Germany)
  • some other names I can't pronounce or spell, when she was in Tunisia and Somalia
  • Marie Wallace (to her contacts overseas once she cane to the US)
  • Lia Brown (one of the names on a false ID)
  • Maya Lewis, turned Maya Pope

She was born in London, lived a bunch of other places under different names everywhere she went. She disappeared off the radar until she was 16 years old. She was stealing government secrets from Olivia's dad - which is probably why she married him. Sounds like a terrorist to me!

4. She has no idea who her husband really is.
If she did, she might have thought twice about that escape tactic... about tricking him into shooting down the plane... or any of the other stunts she's pulled. The only acceptable explanation for her trying it anyway, if she does understand who she's dealing with, can be found in out 5th and final fact....

This would be the only plausible reason she'd pull the stunts she pulled if she clearly understood who Daddy Pope really is! If this is the case, and she's not just an ignorant ninja woman naively playing Russian Roulette, I am almost afraid to see what she's capable of!! As it is, we've already seen a little with her off-the-radar plane landing and massacre...... but is she really this slick? Guess we'll soon learn!


What are your thoughts on Momma Pope?

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