Friday, December 20, 2013

Almost.... But Not Quite

episode recap

They tried it!

The many moments of "really??" from the Fall Finale 


Okay so there were a couple of moments that I didn't discuss from the fall finale in my original 5-point recap... moments that are WORTHY of mention. Let's just jump right on in!

1. Did Abbey really try to ignore all of Momma Pope's dirt? Yes, SHE TRIED IT! The thing about this that confuses me so, is that Abbey is the one who dug up all the dirt and reported it to Liv! So you mean to tell me that YOU are the one who found out that she has managed to disappear off of "the radar" of life for a chunk of years, had all of these different aliases, married Liv's daddy so she could steal class secrets she could sell to her terrorist friends overseas..... and you had the NERVE to say (and I quote) "She didn't kill anyone. there's no blood on her hands. your dad kept her locked up for 22 years, away from the world, away from you. Maybe she's served her time. That plane lands in less than 8 hours. No one would know if she just ... walked away." Really Abbey? #SheTriedIt 

2. So Jake is 'Command' now.... ha! #HeTriedIt #NuffSaid #WeWillSeeAboutThat

3. Ok, so James is super upset with Cyrus.... and I understand. Cyrus is a straight monster, with more juice than James can even imagine! So Cyrus asks James - or punks James, however you see it - to not leave him, and James (trying to negotiate) tells Cyrus he wants to be "White House Press Secretary". He lays it on the line, and makes it appear as if he's just using Cyrus. Now I don't know about ya'll, but I don't buy his whole "don't push it" routine. I believe he's fed up, I believe he's hurt, but I don't believe he doesn't love Cyrus anymore, nor do I believe he's going to be able to stretch it as long as he thinks he he will. But it was a good try James! #HeTriedIt

4. James again...... so he attempted to go in to David Rosen's office and snitch on Cyrus, accusing him of being Langston's killer. Despite the fact that his huntch is wrong, I loved how David gave him the hand as soon as he sat down! You see, David was brutally scared by James in season two, providing him with information re: Defiance and then leaving him hanging once he got him on the stand. That was the end of David's career as he knew it. Everything worked out for David in the end, but not before he was downgraded to a teaching public school government class full of misfitsand being framed by waking up to a dead woman in his bed! #JamesTriedIt

5. Sally Langston's "Cyrus" - Theo - really thought he that in Sally's world, has the juice to call the shots... ha! I thought his little speech to Sally was precious.... " I AM ALWAYS YOUR FIRST CALL!! You kill somebody, you call ME." Awwww, very sweet. But sweetie, YOU AIN'T THAT GUY, sorry. Sally knew exactly what she was doing when she called Cyrus. Unfortunately, for you Theo, you're not good for much more than - yelling. #HeTriedIt

What moments from the Fall Finale made you say, "really?"

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