Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Momma Said Knock You Out", Episode 15

What's Love Got to do With It?!

1. This Huck/Quinn thing is grossing me completely out. Why are they so barbarianish? All of the licking and hard breathing is wearing out my gag-reflexes. They are clearly into each other, or else this wouldn't even be happening. And I can appreciate Quinn trying to hold her compsure and give off the "I'm not into you", but she is... that's why she's lying to Charlie. I am very interested to see what will become of this storyline. And speaking of Charlie, did that dude REALLY move himself in without consultation or permission?! ha! This should be interesting. #HuckLosingHimself

2. So Harrison got himself too lost in the love juices and he done got himself stung... literally! This storyline is starting to annoy me; too much of a teaser in the beginning for what we're getting out of it now. I'm losing interest in this one. Harrison is a sucker for that woman... as are most dudes who've 'smelled what the rock is cooking'! #ShesAModernDayJezebel 

3a. So Fitz gained gangsta points with me for that "Drea" punch he gave "Uncle Andrew". I told ya'll my sentiments were that the double standard would prove true, and he'd be HOT! I think he was more upset at who it was, in addition to it being HIS wife. And after he gave his speech to Mellie and reminded her that she said she was "no longer a sexual being", his anger made more sense. Still bogus... he did it too, but it DID make more sense given their history. What I was mad at was that Mellie wouldn't speak up once Fitz was yelling at her. Now, LET'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT, FITZ DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. HIS ARGUEMENT IS VALID. It doesn't look, to him, like Mellie had to give up a thing, and so her saying she's made a bunch of sacrifices SHOULD sound bogus to him. She had the open door to scream back if she wanted to and lay it on the table. I can understand several reasons she woudn't want to, but she's now going to be the bigger villan in his eyes and in their children's eyes. Tough sitch.

3b. So their children are a straight trip. I love that boy tho.... ha, Fitz son had t-shirts made in support of the opposition! hahahahahhahaaaaaa, what a jerk! And he was ready to wear it for the interview! ha, who are these kids?! And I am super proud of Liv following her instincts and researching the son, or else that woulda been ALL bad. The daughter.... well hey, I can't even say I blame her. All of her anger seems to stem from the knowledge of her parents' issues. Typical PTSD from being in a family like that. Except for the slap worthy shouting she did at her momma, I can understand her plight. She's embarrassed, angry, and confused. Dysfunctional, hypocritical, and all... I was proud of how Fitz manned up and settled that moment with his entire family too, cuz we know he can be a brat sometimes. He didn't keep badgering his wife, and he sat down with his kids, for once. Kudos for that moment of leadership Mr. President! Man, that whole thing was just an all around awkward situation! #MellieGotTrappedInTheClosetStyleBUSTED

4. Jake. I cannot stand him. I bet Fitz feels played... he helped that joker slither into his position, now he's stuck seeing the real Jake for who he is. Not only is Jake bitter from a bunch of past military stuff he still doesn't understand, but the fact that Fitz is still beating him in the race for Liv's loyalty is really making him a jerk. He's such a child... and he's still reminding everyone he's command, as if nobody knows that. As I said before, he needs to JUST BE COMMAND ALREADY, GOODNESS! #HeOnStalkerModeNextWeekTho #HideYoKidsHideYoWife

5. Liv. Olivia Pope. She isn't the same Liv she's always been.... and I find her more and more annoying everyday. Between Fitz vs. Jake, all the killing, her ninja momma's return, and her Daddy's weekly reads... she has gotten very weak. It took one comment from her mother telling her she was "the help" for her to fall to pieces. You've ALWAYS been the "help" Liv, and there was a time when you KNEW it. That whole tantrum she was throwing was annoying. HOWEVER, we did get some of the old Liv this episode. She was in charge; commanding. The way she handled that whole Fitz/Mellie/Andrew thing was nostalgic for me. The closer. The handler. The fixer. I was glad Cyrus reminded her of who she really is, and got her into action. I need her to do more of that! #FitzStayHolleringTho #WatchYoSelfSucka

P.S. I loved Cyrus trying to get at Jake; po thang couldn't hardly breathe! That is all. #HeTriedIt

#ScandalRecaps #GladiatorNation

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