Thursday, January 12, 2017

SCANDAL EPISODE REACTION -- S5E17 - "Thwack" -- Thoughts While Watching

Apr 7, 2016

Okay, soooooo..... this episode was bomb! Do not mistake my enthusiasm as a co-sign of the behavior. This is not a matter of morality. This is a matter of EXCELLENT storytelling and character arcs tonight! That said, I have SO much to say about character arcs and whatnot that I will reserve for a different post.
For now...

1) Abbey's thinking she's a monster is ADORABLE! She been doing terrible things to people, all to "prove" that she's a monster, when she'll never actually BE a monster. There's a difference in doing monstrous things, and BEING a monster. You don't have to work near as hard as Abbey when you're ACTUALLY a monster. Cyrus.... that's a monster. Daddy Pope.... monster. Abbey.... hamster on a wheel. #AMonsterWithNoTeeth #DoNotCrossMeAgain #OneHour

2) I'm glad Marcus stood up and said heck nah to the tomfoolery they throwing at him. Everyone in OPA is acting like Marcus has done them some harm. I get it.... they don't want to contaminate him, but why keep him if you're gonna talk all rough to him and treat him all bad?! #AreWeGladiatorsOrAreWe_______????

3) Welp Andrew..... #YouDoneBruh Like, homie really thought it was cool to do all he did and have THIS much of a grudge because he got retaliated against??? And you being real slick tongued too?! #NahBruh

4) Nick Amaro from Law & Order getting on my nerves. He better chill, playing with Cyrus! lol #HisMarriageAintRealAnyway

5) Daddy Pope has been such a dad these days! Honestly, I rather enjoy it. What I don't enjoy is that ever since Jake has become head of the NSA, all he does with his life is sit around the house and eat. You ain't got nothing to do homeboy?! #INeedThatJob #JakeTheSnake

Great scandal tonight #Scandal! I mean really, this was one heck of a scandal. And as much as they all get on my nerves at one point or another, as a unit... they looked good! #SquadGoals

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