Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Is Maya Pope???

character analysis

What Do We Know About Maya Pope?

So far, these are the things we know to be absolutely certain about Momma Pope....
or at least very plausible possibilities....

1. She is a stealth ninja!
What woman, who after being medically sedated from making snack time out of her wrists, can attack a fully grown male doctor, knock him out, steal his clothes and escape a prison in Timbucktoo? And who... can slip through her daughter's fingers on the President of the US of A's private plane, kill all his people... make it back to DC in time for a hair appointment and shopping trip all in 24 hours?
A ninja woman, that's who!

2. She does love her daughter.
The lengths that she has gone through to see Olivia, and keep in touch with Liv, prove her love - no matter how crazy we think she may be. The pure joy in her eyes when Liv's dad brought those pictures for her to see spoke of longing and adoration for the young woman she birthed, and I do believe that - all scandal aside (pun intended) - she does love her daughter.

3. She is a legit terrorist.
Liv's mom was a part of the whole bomb scandal (remember, she was on her way to London the morning she left 12 year old Olivia at the breakfast table). That's clear - we know she's the reason Remington is such a big deal; she's the reason Fitz had to shoot down that plane.

But then she got all these other names and stuff too!! In case you fell asleep or were chewing too loudly to hear Abby's rundown, here it is:

  • Margo Beauveai (Paris)
  • Hannah Stewart (Germany)
  • some other names I can't pronounce or spell, when she was in Tunisia and Somalia
  • Marie Wallace (to her contacts overseas once she cane to the US)
  • Lia Brown (one of the names on a false ID)
  • Maya Lewis, turned Maya Pope

She was born in London, lived a bunch of other places under different names everywhere she went. She disappeared off the radar until she was 16 years old. She was stealing government secrets from Olivia's dad - which is probably why she married him. Sounds like a terrorist to me!

4. She has no idea who her husband really is.
If she did, she might have thought twice about that escape tactic... about tricking him into shooting down the plane... or any of the other stunts she's pulled. The only acceptable explanation for her trying it anyway, if she does understand who she's dealing with, can be found in out 5th and final fact....

This would be the only plausible reason she'd pull the stunts she pulled if she clearly understood who Daddy Pope really is! If this is the case, and she's not just an ignorant ninja woman naively playing Russian Roulette, I am almost afraid to see what she's capable of!! As it is, we've already seen a little with her off-the-radar plane landing and massacre...... but is she really this slick? Guess we'll soon learn!


What are your thoughts on Momma Pope?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Almost.... But Not Quite

episode recap

They tried it!

The many moments of "really??" from the Fall Finale 


Okay so there were a couple of moments that I didn't discuss from the fall finale in my original 5-point recap... moments that are WORTHY of mention. Let's just jump right on in!

1. Did Abbey really try to ignore all of Momma Pope's dirt? Yes, SHE TRIED IT! The thing about this that confuses me so, is that Abbey is the one who dug up all the dirt and reported it to Liv! So you mean to tell me that YOU are the one who found out that she has managed to disappear off of "the radar" of life for a chunk of years, had all of these different aliases, married Liv's daddy so she could steal class secrets she could sell to her terrorist friends overseas..... and you had the NERVE to say (and I quote) "She didn't kill anyone. there's no blood on her hands. your dad kept her locked up for 22 years, away from the world, away from you. Maybe she's served her time. That plane lands in less than 8 hours. No one would know if she just ... walked away." Really Abbey? #SheTriedIt 

2. So Jake is 'Command' now.... ha! #HeTriedIt #NuffSaid #WeWillSeeAboutThat

3. Ok, so James is super upset with Cyrus.... and I understand. Cyrus is a straight monster, with more juice than James can even imagine! So Cyrus asks James - or punks James, however you see it - to not leave him, and James (trying to negotiate) tells Cyrus he wants to be "White House Press Secretary". He lays it on the line, and makes it appear as if he's just using Cyrus. Now I don't know about ya'll, but I don't buy his whole "don't push it" routine. I believe he's fed up, I believe he's hurt, but I don't believe he doesn't love Cyrus anymore, nor do I believe he's going to be able to stretch it as long as he thinks he he will. But it was a good try James! #HeTriedIt

4. James again...... so he attempted to go in to David Rosen's office and snitch on Cyrus, accusing him of being Langston's killer. Despite the fact that his huntch is wrong, I loved how David gave him the hand as soon as he sat down! You see, David was brutally scared by James in season two, providing him with information re: Defiance and then leaving him hanging once he got him on the stand. That was the end of David's career as he knew it. Everything worked out for David in the end, but not before he was downgraded to a teaching public school government class full of misfitsand being framed by waking up to a dead woman in his bed! #JamesTriedIt

5. Sally Langston's "Cyrus" - Theo - really thought he that in Sally's world, has the juice to call the shots... ha! I thought his little speech to Sally was precious.... " I AM ALWAYS YOUR FIRST CALL!! You kill somebody, you call ME." Awwww, very sweet. But sweetie, YOU AIN'T THAT GUY, sorry. Sally knew exactly what she was doing when she called Cyrus. Unfortunately, for you Theo, you're not good for much more than - yelling. #HeTriedIt

What moments from the Fall Finale made you say, "really?"

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When It All Falls Down

episode recap
SNAPPED: Secrets, Lies and Angry Wives
"You are a BOY!"
1. There's a lot I can say about that moment, but Fitz balls were BIG telling Daddy Pope about how him and Liv get it in. Really Fitz? THAT'S HER DADDY! You just had to bring THAT in it! It wasn't a good look for him, especially since he already looked stupid confronting him, not knowing the full truth. #HeTriedIt #DaddyPopeCalledHimAJabroni #StillTeamFitz
2. Quinn is by far one of the most backwards broads I have EVER seen!! Ok, so you "come back" to Gladiator HQ talking about "Huck, I'm back". He ain't trying to hear all that, so you GO BACK to the OTHER side - just like that?! Then you wonder why Huck don't wanna play marbles with you at recess. GIRL BYE! #OleUnbreakMyHeartSingingSelf #LiesYouTell #GetYourLife
3. Mellie is definitely a woman with no soul! Even Cyrus - the coldest dude you'll ever meet- got SICK to think of what they'd driven Sally to do. I wasn't surprised, cuz Mellie is all about Mellie... always with a plan! #ShePrallyPlaysSugaFreeInHerCar

4. For all ya'll who think Daddy Pope is done - think again!! Daddy Pope got skills, clout and connections. Jake betta enjoy it while it lasts, but he ain't got enough swagg or juice for the job - SORRY! #KingKongAintGotNothinOnHim
5. Sooooooooo, Mama Pope pulled the ultimate ninja move on us last night. How did she kill everybody on that plane and make it back to DC... that fast??? Aaaaand she clearly had time to run through the salon and get that hair whipped before she stopped by the mall for that flyy coat she had on. #YouThoughtSheDidntWhenSheDid #She24centShortofAQuarter

SIDENOTE: That young lady who went in to David's office with the recording of Sally on the phone with Cyrus ain't no "good Samaritan" just trying to help - she wants something!

#badJake #badJake #badJake #badJake #badJake #badJake 

So what was your "Oooooh snap" moment of Part 2 of the Fall Finale episode?

Monday, December 9, 2013

TOP 5 Scandal Moments of the Fall Finale, Part 1

episode recap

"What do the young people say Quinn.... 'YOLO'?"

#scandal - Things just got REAL!

1. Huck DEFINITELY licked her face ya'll! He was NOT bluffing... he brought those tools and used them! The deep part about it.... he told her that he was getting her BECAUSE SHE CROSSED LIV! Now THAT is a ride or die! #EverybodyNeedsAHuck

2. I said it the moment she told them her "story" - I DIDN'T BELIEVE HER! Listen, Liv Momma wasn't no victim. Your averge grieving "my husband is a bully" mother could never SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION herself outta that padded room in Timbucktoo! And she trying have breakfast and conversation like this is normal... GIRL BYE! I don't know you! #HideYoKidsHideYoWife

3. Really Quinn with the I-Got-Fresh-Holes-In-My-Mouth slob down & shake down with Charlie the KILLER?! I will give it to her for trying to think smart and devise a plan so Huck would back off. The problem, is that Quinn ain't had a good track record so far, so we'll see where this goes. #GingivitisIsRealBoo

4. We got bigger fish to fry than Remington today Jake! GET YOUR LIFE and stop whining! You got Liv's Stealth-Like-Ninja momma out of the looney bin, you know Liv Daddy coming for ya'll, and ALL you got on your mind is Remington?! #SelfishBehind #BadJake

5. LAWD, SALLY DONE KILT HER DUDE! Well, I knew she was headed off course when she let that tubby gentlemen with the pink cheeks scream her into denouncing the bible and choosing politics. Sally Langston... the Bible thumper?! Oh yeah, she was done the moment she changed her stance! #RIPSheJustKilledHerHub

What was your favorite Scandal moment from this episode? What are your theories on the moments I laid out here? Where do you think the show is going?
