Thursday, September 25, 2014

Where Will WE Go From Here?!

Where Do We Go From Here?!

Season 3 Finale Recap... Prep for the Season 4 Premier Tonight

So I know that you all have re-watched the Season 3 Finale, and are well versed on what went down. Let's chat about a few MAJOR incidents that have been left unresolved...

-  Liv tells Mellie's secret. Now Fitz knows his Poppa was a rolling stone. This softened Fitz's heart toward Mellie (as it should have) and they share a tiny little tender moment. But then.... oh, but then....The First Family suffers devastating loss when their son is mysteriously killed. A sad day for the Grants, but could this have been the resurgence of love for Fitz & Mellie? #BiggieGiveMeOneMoreChance

- Liv decided to leave OPA, leaving Abbey, Huck and Harrison as orphans. But then Harrison dies trying to stomp with the big dogs step to Daddy Pope. So, now what? It's just Abbey and Huck left roaming the hallways of the OPA gladiator headquarters. #SeeYouAtTheCrossroadsHarrison

- David Rosen, beaming like a kid on Christmas morning, receives all of the B6-13 files with a note that says, "Go Get the Bad Guys"... courtesy of Jake the Snake when he prepares to run away with Olivia. I Just hope Rosen doesn't get carried away with all this new info. #SnitchesGetStitches

- Quinn shows Huck that his FAMILY is still alive and well. Quinn tells Huck she loves him, but in response Huck pushes her dead in the chest and basically says, "i hate you, eeeew cooties!" Later, we see Huck knock on his wife's door, and offer all he could probobly muster up on the moment... a shy, yet guilt ridden "Hi". She's in shock, but we don't see any further reaction there. She's prally thinking.... #LoveShouldaBroughtYouHome

- Daddy Pope admits to Harrison (who figured it out and shoulda kept his mouth shut or he'd still be alive) that he arranged to have Little Jerry killed. He then proceeds to let the President think Momma Pope did it, and Fitz wants her head on a stick. Daddy Pope delivers the wonderful news to the president that Maya Pope is dead.... as it is revealed to us that she's actually in the hole! Hey, Daddy Pope is Command again ya'll... and he's coming with it! #OriginalGangsta

- Liv lets Jake go with her. Why, iono, but she did. In Fitz's inevitable breakdown, he has Mellie call Liv so she can coach him through his Presidential win speech, but she ignores his call as her private plane lifts her off into the doubtful skies of who-knows-where. Where'd she go? Why did she decide to let Jake go along? How will Fitz get through a second term without her? #LongLiveOlitz

What do you guys think will happen here? What was your favorite (or least favorite) story line of the finale? Let's chat!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Ninjas & Gangstas

Momma Pope vs. Daddy Pope

Soooooooo.... let's do a quick sweeping recap this relationship:

1.) For all we know, Liv only has a daddy.
2.) Then we find out Liv's daddy got her momma on lock down in the deep waters of Timbucktoo.
3.) Momma Pope proves she's a ninja when she escapes the little cell & murks the officer.
4.) Momma Pope convinces Liv her dad is evil. Liv helps her escape on her boyfriend's plane.
5.) Daddy Pope tries to tell Liv her momma isn't wrapped that tight. Liv curses him to the cornfields.
6.) Momma Pope kills the escape driver of the plane. They find the plane and the dead guy. No Mom.
7.) We learn Momma Pope is SWIRLING honey! Yes. She has a boo that is in on all her triflin behavior, and who keeps her engine tuned up so she can do her good work. #MilkInHerCoffee #LikeMotherLikeDaughter
8.) Momma Pope lets Daddy Pope MURK her boyfriend. This was a moment of straight cold-blooded killing. His heart was involved. In this moment we become aware that Daddy Pope has been in his feelings over this man having violated his marriage so many years ago - and behind the toughness, there lies a little boy who has been holding back his tears all these years.
9.) Momma Pope gets her revenge and straight shanks Daddy Pope - in their daughters office... and LEAVES HIM FOR DEAD for her "sweet baby" - Olivia - to find. Where they do that at?!
10.) Liv finds him, and freaking out, rushes him to the hospital - clearly conflicted because both of her parents are straight gang warriors.
11.) DADDY POPE LIVES. He was down, but not out!
12.) Daddy Pope steal back Command. His reign of power continues...
13.) Momma Pope is in the hole; Fitz thinks she's dead.

So where does this leave us for Season 4? When we left this dubious bunch, the President believed Maya Pope to be dead. Fitz is under the assumption that Maya Pope is the cause of his son's untimely death, and he wanted her dead ON THE SPOT. Now that Daddy Pope is back in his command seat, he needs to show himself cooperative - hence the lie that his ex boo is now RIP. 

I wonder how long it will take for anyone to discover that she's under there... or how long it will take her to kung-fu her way out of that hole.

What do ya'll think? Where could this one go???

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Huckleberry Quinn... A Poison Kinda Berry!

Somebody Make it STOP!

Huck & Quinn have by far won the "TV JumpOff to Gross Adri Out the Worst" award. I simply just cannot deal with them, and it seemed to get worse and worse every time they got it on! But why does it freak me out so badly?  Let's explore this, shall we?

1.) I wasn't ready!

Point black period. I didn't know this was about to happen, and I didn't have a chance to finish chewing before I was caught off guard by that first incident. Then, week after week, in Quinn's trashy attempt to disguise her lust for Huck with tampering with his emotions, all of that extra open face kissing started to churn my stomach. But THEN, these two decided that wasn't enough and FULL ON got it on - ON TOP OF A CAR IN A PARKING GARAGE! Why must I be subjected to this treatment that late in the evening?  I can't deal with it. It keeps happening ALL OF A SUDDEN! Can't we get a slow fade-in to those scenes so I know it's about to happen? All of those quick cuts and transitions are liable to scar me for life!

2.) It's so desperate.

Alluding to one of the points I made above, they played hard to get so long and so hard that when simultaneous combustion occurred, it turned into a frantic, despairing moment every single time. Now granted, Huck has abstained quite a while having been taken from his wife (and kids), and sure, he had his girlfriend Becky from rehab.... but that didn't last long, given she framed him for trying to kill Fitz. After Huck kicked her out of OPA and revoked her Gladiator tights, we all knew Quinn was hurt. And while she did have Charlie, we all know Quinn has been crushing on Huck for a while, so her giving in isn't shocking - just disturbing.

3.) They're so barbaric... I mean really!

 Do they have to lick each other SO much? And honestly, I think this is the one that just won't give my gag reflexes a break. It's just straight nasty. So rough, so sloppy, so.... private.  These two went from one end of the spectrum to the other with this, and each time it seems rougher and sloppier; with more licking. LOL I just can't. For example, they have an OUTRIGHT bang-out in the OPA office that went a little something like this.... "Hey Bae, never mind Daddy Pope's puddle of blood, we'll just hop this table and handle our biz." Thank goodness for Abby's interruption or else we would have been completely violated! Huck is already a twisted mind that gets off on textures, temperatures, and the not-so-normal, so it doesn't take much for him to melt into a puddle of awkwardness in these situations.

Listen, I'm down for everybody's happiness, but my gosh! Shondaland, I wanna get off this ride! I really hope that season 4 pretends like season 3 never let this happen; the world will be a much better place that way!

What are your thoughts on where these two will stand in season 4?

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Olivia Pope can't do anything right..." - Mellie

Loose Lips Sink Ships

So, gladiators, let's rewind back to April 17, 2014. This episode was jam-packed with drama, action, plot-twists and anxiety! There is one story-line that I want to focus on, though.... so let's go there. 

Picture this. The Oval Office. President Fitzgerald Grant is feeling defeated after losing the post-funeral-bomb-speech to Sally. He sits in his office, writing his concession speech and dreaming of life-after the White House, living in Vermont, as a small town mayor, and his beloved Olivia as his wife... making jam with custom labels for him to hand out at all of his mayoral engagements. He's sitting alone in the silence of his thoughts, allowing his vivid imagination to run free as the scene plays out in his mind. Picture it. Welp, then Olivia walks in and chooses to tell Fitz that Mellie was raped by his big-ole brut daddy. *Moment of Silence.* What?! I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about this moment. Mostly, I was like "Hello Liv.... noooooooooo!", but then on the other hand, I wasn't completely mad at her for it. I guess I could see why she wanted him to be aware of such an earth-shattering piece of news, but was that really her place?! Would you have wanted to know that from her if you were Fitz?

So of course, Fitz struggles with this revelation, but after some time, he grapples with the reality of its truth. His heart weighs down his swag-daddy presidential walk as he heavily goes to Mellie. Eventually, she reads his disturbed stare and realizes that the cat has been let out of the bag. He knows. "Olivia Pope can't do anything right," she thinks aloud. Frustrated and embarrassed, I am sure her thug life kicked in for a moment, as she instantly began to think of ways she could beat Liv's cute-coat-wearing tail once she got a chance! Then Fitz, in all sincerity turns his heart toward Mellie in what turns into a precious, authentically tender moment... as all #TeamOlitz citizens of America screech in heartbreaking agony!

Then, to top it off, their son DIES! WHAT?! What a rough season for the Grant household. They went through the kids almost embarrassing the family on national television, their daughter catching their mother in adultery, the knowledge of an incest rape, and now... their child is dead. Tragedy has been known to bring couples together.... and well, they've had more than their fair share of it!

Bottom Line... 

1. Do you think Liv was wrong for sharing that info with Fitz?
2. What do you think has become of Fitz & Mellie's relationship?

Could this be the rebirth of the romance between the embittered, estranged First Couple?


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So Long, Farewell..... Goodbye Harrison!

Columbus Short's Scandalous Departure

What About Harrison???

We all can recall the moment we found out Columbus Short was fired from the Scandal cast, right?

My personal sentiment, and actually, my immediate reaction to hearing this news was "Good. I don't blame them for firing him!" Let's face it, our beloved "Harrison" was out of control both on the show and in real life. He was a liability - one that was frankly not worth fighting for. I had several people gasp at my sentiments, and I was okay with that. At the end of the day ABC and Shondaland had to make the best decision for the show - not just for the lustful fans who would be disappointed that they wouldn't be able to look at Harrison's pretty face and well-tailored suits for 42 minutes every Thursday night anymore.

But then I saw that Columbus Short actually agreed with the decision that was made. Huffington Post shared Short's thoughts on the subject in their July 8th article in which he articulates, "I think, at a certain point, when you’re [hearing] a barrage of stories after stories, ABC justifiably would want to distance themselves,” he told Access Hollywood. “They did the right thing.” He knew he was out of control, and wasn't bitter about being let go. He went on to praise ABC, Shonda Rhimes, and the entire cast and crew of his beloved show for not dogging him out. “They did not throw me to the curb like trash -- that’s my family,” he shared.

The question still remains, where will Scandal go from here? Shonda Rhimes has already said she won't be recasting him, but let's just dream a little - after all, she said that months ago, maybe she changed her mind and didn't tell us! There are many directions this can go; here are a few options:

1. They'll replace Harrison with another actor and hope we don't notice. 

2. They'll commit to the ambiguous season ending and kill him off at the hands of Daddy Pope. If you recall, this scene ended with a blackout & a "boom-pow-bang", which alluded to Harrison's untimely demise. 

3. They'll kill him, but say he ran away, and hire a new hottie to the Gladiator stand in his stead. 

The possibilities are many, and these are just a few. The writers room has all the power, and what we KNOW... is that they've ALREADY decided where this is going. What are your thoughts on which direction they opted for?